Thursday, January 1, 2015


I cannot believe that it is already 2015. So many big things happened in 2014: I graduated from high school, started going to college to pursue my lifelong dream, met so many new friends, lost lots of old ones, I learned what it means to truly love someone, and I experienced true heartbreak.  I've grown so much as a person in one year and am extremely proud of who I have become.

I am extremely proud of who I have become, but I know I can become better.

This year I am going to strive to be happy. Finding happiness in all situations, even the really really sucky ones, is something that I've learned to do recently, and I have become stronger because of it. So in 2015, I will continue to find the light in places that seem like pure darkness, and make the bright moments even brighter.

I am going to try to impact as many lives as I can this year. Whether that be by writing down my thoughts and sharing them to the world, working with people who have disabilities, or just loving as much and as hard as I can, I want to make a difference. So many people have changed me and made me who I am, and I hope one day someone can say that I changed them.

I plan to be more grateful. I try so hard to let people know how much they mean to me, but sometimes life gets busy and I forget to thank the people in my life for all of the simple things they do for me on a daily basis. We too often take people for granted, and so my goal this year is to make sure that all the important people know just how important they are.

This year I will continue to pursue my passion, and share that passion to the world. I will advocate and speak up about everything I believe in, and try to make others understand why I do what I do. This has been something I have done since I was just learning what my home phone number was, and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.

I want to be less perfect. No, I do not think I am in any way, shape, or form, perfect. I have many flaws and am nowhere near perfection. But one of those flaws is my perfectionism attitude. This isn't a bad thing when it comes to things like school, but in other areas of my life it causes me extreme stress. I need to realize that life is not perfect. The perfect future I envisioned for myself a couple months ago is not what I envision for myself now. Things change, people change, and that's how life is always going to be. I need to start being less of a control freak and let things happen and go with the flow...this will be hard.

2014 was extremely good to me. I learned more about myself in the past year than ever before. I have become stronger and more independent. I have loved and have been loved by countless numbers of people that I'll forever be thankful for. But I want 2015 to be better. I want to become better. The cliche quote that states "New year, New me" does not apply to this situation. I don't want to change who I am. I like who I am. I just want to become a better version of myself. The best version of myself possible.

New year, Better me.

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