Sunday, July 6, 2014

Three Weeks Post Surgery

It's hard to believe that Tuesday will be three weeks post-surgery! I've been home for two weeks today, and the recovery process has been long but very successful!

The car ride home from the hospital was ROUGH. I got extremely car sick and could not get comfortable. Getting in the car in the first place was quite the process. Being tall and not being able to bend at all makes it a little difficult to maneuver into a car - but I did it! I was so happy to be back home and get out of the car. I walked as fast as I could (which is about turtle speed) into the house and collapsed into my handy dandy recovery recliner where I would be staying for the next week and a half.

The first couple of nights at home were rough. I was extremely uncomfortable all the time. Every day got a little bit easier and by Wednesday (I got home Sunday) I was able to shower with the help from my mama! Side note: Don't EVER take for granted the ability to shower easily because it is HARD with two rods and a bunch of screws in your back. I feel like I ran a marathon every time I shower. I miss when things were easy!

For a good week and a half I sat at home and did a whole lot of nothing! Lots of people visited to keep me company (thank you to everyone who did!). I went on lots of little walks as much as my body would let me. I tried to get my appetite up and ween off of the pain pills. I watched lots of TV and Netflix. Read lots of books. That's pretty much it. My mom has been a saint and has kept me entertained these past few weeks which has been so great. (Thanks mom love you!)

My first venture out of the house was to a doctors appointment on the 30th. I had been home for a week. It was just a normal after surgery check up, and then they had to check my blood to see if the transfusion worked. It was 11.1, which is a lot better than 8, which is where I was at in the hospital. So in retrospect, the transfusion worked. I have to go back to have them check it again at the end of the month because 11.1 isn't the "perfect" number, so if it isn't up to the number my doctor would like I have to take iron supplements.

I started slowly getting out of the house a couple days after my doctors appointment. I went to Kohls and Bed Bath and Beyond to get things for my dorms. Then the next day I went to Target to get more stuff for my dorm. (I'm gonna have a cute dorm room). And then my first BIG outing I had was on July 3rd! I went to the annual Happy Hollow fourth of July celebration. I went at about 7 and made it all the way to fireworks that ended at 10:30. Was I uncomfortable? Yes. But I NEEDED to get out of the house, so I got through it! It was a fun night and I'm glad I decided to go. Unfortunately, I did not have a good day on the fourth of July. My pain comes in waves. Some days are way worse than others, and it just so happens that my body decided to hate me on the fourth! I tried to get out and see fireworks with Blake but it didn't end up going so well and I ended up at home going to bed at about 7. Rad life, I know.

It's now the 6th and I'm feeling good! I only take pain pills if I REALLY need them because I don't like the side effects. So basically I'm off pain pills and only taking tylenol a couple times a day if I need it. I got through the toughest weeks, so it can only go up from here. Everything is harder when you have no back muscles and can't bend at all but you figure it out! I'm going to have killer thigh muscles by the end of this summer. I'm slowly getting back to my normal life before surgery, and that makes me really excited! It's a looooong process but it gets easier every day.
 The recovery recliner

 Before and After! I was still super swollen when the picture on the right was taken. Now you can see my shoulder blades so that's good!

Cooper has been my cuddle buddy the past two weeks.

I was sick of having frizzy curly hair so Emily helped me straighten it. That's what best friends are for right? 

Third of July, going to Happy Hollow.

Rocking that scar.
 My attempt at going out on the 4th 

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

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