Tuesday, June 16, 2015

One Year Post Surgery

Holy moly how has it already been a year?!?! One year ago I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into, and was completely fearless and ready to conquer this surgery. Thank goodness I didn't understand the extent of what was about to happen because I probably (definitely) would have locked myself in a room and never came out.

So, what has happened in a year with my back?! I went from crooked to straight in approximately six hours, came out two inches taller and had the most grueling two months of my life. I pretty much had to relearn how to sit up, stand up, walk, and do daily activities that I took for granted every moment of my entire life. It truly was an eye opening experience.

Things I can't do because of back surgery:
-Any intense physical movement (P90X type of things, but lets be honest I probably never would've gotten the motivation to do that anyway)
-Jet Ski, tubing, skiing, basically anything fun on the water
-Bending is hard
-Twisting is impossible
-Jump on a trampoline
-Lift anything heavier than 25 pounds (this won't be like that forever)
-Have bad posture (perks!!!!)
-Contact sports
-Roller derby (Grant told me to write this)
-Basically anything that could strain or hurt my back

I am so lucky that that list is so small and the list of things I can do is so large!!! This surgery is nothing compared to what some people go through every day. I am so thankful for my amazing doctors, family and friends that have supported me the past year throughout some of the toughest months of my life. This past year has been full of triumph and tribulations, because of my back, and just because, well, life! I have grown so much as a person -- literally and figuratively ;).

I go back to see my surgeon in about a month, where I will hopefully find out some of the restrictions I have currently will slowly start to diminish. I am beyond grateful for my good health and the amazing healing process I have gone through. I am also grateful that I was able to have this surgery and put my life in the hands of amazing doctors who have helped me so much throughout this entire process.

Cheers to one year of being part robot!!!!!!
 I do not remember taking this selfie
 Still in awe of all the love that was sent my way!!! I have the best people in my life!

 Spent way too many hours in that dang chair
 The result of having tiny veins

 The picture on the right is what my back looked like before surgery

Killing that scar game

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