Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Scoliosis Diaries: One Week

One week until my surgery date! It's all becoming very real. Yesterday I had my appointment with my back doctor who will be doing the surgery, Dr. McClellan. Today I had to go to my pediatrician to get a pre-surgery physical and blood work done!

At my appointment with my doctor, I had to get a CT scan of my back and X-Rays. The X-Rays were for the bending tests. This shows my doctor how flexible my spine is, and how easy it will be to put two rods in it! My spine happens to be very flexible and so he says that it will be a "beautiful fusion", whatever that means :). I got to ask him all sorts of questions at this appointment. He told me that I will be at the hospital for three to four nights. I will have an OT come twice a day and a PT come once a day. They will teach me how to become independent again. He said that visitors and treats and teddy bears and balloons are welcome so don't be shy ;). (Maybe not the first or second day though I might be a little loopy!) He also talked about how after I get out of the hospital I will feel kind of dead for about two weeks, but then I will start feeling like my normal self again! This appointment eased my fears a little bit and made me slightly less anxious, so I suppose that's good!

At my pediatrician's office today it was just a normal physical and blood work. I am all healthy and good to go! Getting blood drawn is NOT my favorite thing but I guess I better get used to it.

I can't believe it's only a week away! Prayers and happy thoughts sent my way are much appreciated :)


  1. I have no doubt you will do very well. We will be thinking of you on June 17th.

  2. We've been thinking about you all day today Michaela! Hope you have a speedy recovery and are back doing a gig before July 4th! :)
