Saturday, June 21, 2014

Scoliosis Diaries: Hospital

I made it!

My surgery was on Tuesday, June 17 at 8 AM. I had to report there at 5:30 to get all checked in. I was a nervous wreck the night before and morning of. Couldn't stop shaking! I just wanted to get it over with. My mom, dad, step-dad, step-mom, best friend Emily and boyfriend Blake all came along with me at 5 to see me before I had to go into surgery. It was nice having them there to ease my anxiety a little bit. The last thing I remember about that morning was them pulling me into the OR room where there were a bunch of people getting stuff ready. It was also really cold. Then someone put an "oxygen" mask over me and told me to take some really deep breaths, and then I was out. I don't think that mask really had oxygen in it. :)

The surgery took 5 and a half hours. I don't remember being in the recovery room at all. I kind of remember being in my private hospital room but not a lot of it. My grandparents were there as well as my sister, and my friend Danielle, her boyfriend Alex and sister Julia. Everyone who came in the morning was still there as well! Apparently I was being really funny and "polite" when I was talking to them. I don't remember! You'll have to ask my parents details about what I was saying! :) I do remember not being able to open my eyes and my back really hurting! They taped my eyes shut and so they were SO dry and I could not open them at all. It was so frustrating. I kept having my sister come up and look in them because I swore something was in them, but there wasn't! They were just dry. So I was talking to everyone with my eyes closed. My face was super swollen because I was laying on my stomach for almost six hours, so everyone said my lips looked like Angelina Jolie's times 10. Thankfully there are no pictures to prove it! :)

The first night was pretty rough because the nurses came in every 20 minutes to check on my vitals and stuff. It was impossible to sleep. I also had a morphine drip and because of that I had to wear a thing that looks like an oxygen mask so it could measure my CO2 levels to make sure I was not overly sedated. It was so annoying and beeped every single time I started to fall asleep because my breathing got shallow. It was awful. I had to wear that until my morphine drip went away which wasn't until yesterday! Not fun. In the middle of the night on Tuesday they came and made me stand up for the first time. OW. It was very uncomfortable and hurt A LOT. I got super dizzy and sick to my stomach. I was not very happy, but luckily it has gotten a lot easier.

The next three days were pretty much all similar. I started being able to get out of my bed and walk independently. I even got to shower (with the help of an OT) so that felt amazing. It was hard getting used to walking with a straight back and aligned hips, but every day it got a little bit easier! I have had amazing people visit me every day which made my days so much happier!! Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who came and visited and brought balloons or sent flowers or even FISH! (Em and B you rock). I appreciate all of you so much!

The one scary thing that did happen was on Wednesday night. The nurse got me up at about 3:30 to walk. I was NOT having it. I didn't feel good and knew I just needed to sleep. But she pushed me to walk anyways. So I got up and then told them that I wanted to go into the bathroom because all I really wanted to do was sit. So I was in there, and then all of a sudden I got super hot and felt really weird. I called for my mom, and the next second I was in a chair with five nurses around me. I passed out in the bathroom. This is pretty normal for a person who just had spine surgery because of all the strain it has on your body but it still was really scary!! Glad that was the only time that happened.

I was supposed to be out of the hospital by Saturday (today) but unfortunately that did not happen. My blood counts are low, which is causing me to become very light headed and dizzy every time I get up. A normal blood count number is a 12 and my blood count right now is at an 8. After discussing this with the doctors and my surgeon and nurses and parents, we have decided that if my number does not increase Sunday morning, then I will be getting a blood transfusion. This will help me feel better in the long run. Either way, I will be going home tomorrow so I am excited for that! I am sick of sitting in a hospital room!

Overall, my surgery went well. And it hurts. A lot. And I'm in a lot of pain pretty much all day. But it's going to get better! I have also gotten taller! I think every single nurse that has worked with me has mentioned how tall I am. I hate to say it but I think I am pretty close to 5'11-6'...that's tall. But I would rather be taller and straighter than shorter and curvier!

It is going to be a  l  o  n  g  road to recovery but I am ready to conquer it! Thank you all for the happy thoughts and prayers being sent my way! It has helped so much knowing that I have so many people that are thinking about me!
 Before surgery...just a little nervous!


 Look at my pretty new accessory!

 Surgeon writing on me

 After surgery

 My big bandage covering the scar

 First time sitting up

 Love my pillow pet!

 Look at that posture!

 First time walking!

 Emily Rose!

 Yes I am coloring in a frozen coloring book

 I slept...a lot.
 My room number was 818. Coincidence that my favorite two numbers are 8 and 18?!

 Look at all that prettiness!! Love!!

 Shoutout to Blake for being there every day!

My room

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Scoliosis Diaries: One Week

One week until my surgery date! It's all becoming very real. Yesterday I had my appointment with my back doctor who will be doing the surgery, Dr. McClellan. Today I had to go to my pediatrician to get a pre-surgery physical and blood work done!

At my appointment with my doctor, I had to get a CT scan of my back and X-Rays. The X-Rays were for the bending tests. This shows my doctor how flexible my spine is, and how easy it will be to put two rods in it! My spine happens to be very flexible and so he says that it will be a "beautiful fusion", whatever that means :). I got to ask him all sorts of questions at this appointment. He told me that I will be at the hospital for three to four nights. I will have an OT come twice a day and a PT come once a day. They will teach me how to become independent again. He said that visitors and treats and teddy bears and balloons are welcome so don't be shy ;). (Maybe not the first or second day though I might be a little loopy!) He also talked about how after I get out of the hospital I will feel kind of dead for about two weeks, but then I will start feeling like my normal self again! This appointment eased my fears a little bit and made me slightly less anxious, so I suppose that's good!

At my pediatrician's office today it was just a normal physical and blood work. I am all healthy and good to go! Getting blood drawn is NOT my favorite thing but I guess I better get used to it.

I can't believe it's only a week away! Prayers and happy thoughts sent my way are much appreciated :)