Sunday, March 12, 2017

My J

All he knew was love.

These five words were spoken at Jaime's funeral, and have resonated with me ever since. It's taken me a long time to be able to put my thoughts into words, and even now I am still struggling. How do I explain the bond Jaime and I had? I truly think it was something you had to witness for yourself.

I met Jaime when I was 16. He came through the doors of Camp Munroe and I instantly fell in love. This blue eyed beauty stole my heart and has held it tight for the past five years. From army crawling during a field trip at camp, selfies in matching outfits at 630 in the morning, and an infinite number of snuggles and smiles, J has been my guy. So much of my heart was given to J and I wasn't ready for him to take it to heaven.

I hope he knows how much he means to me and how much of an impact he made on my life. I hope he knows I wouldn't be who I am if I didn't have the opportunity to love him. I will forever ask myself: did I do enough? Could I have made more of an effort to go see him more often? As I struggle with those questions, I will honor him in the only way I know how: to love. To love without boundaries and to love without judgement. To have a completely open heart and smile even when things get hard. My strength will come from my J. All Jaime knew was love. He did not know hate, he did not know jealousy, he did not know fear, and he did not know anger. He knew love. That love will get me through the hard times, and stay with me forever.

To my sweet little werewolf: I feel you within me with every beat of my heart. You have shown me love in the truest and purest form. Your light will forever shine on this world, because your soul is just that powerful. I cannot wait to see you again.