Thursday, September 17, 2015

Choose Kind

I love what I do. It is my heart, it is who I am, it is my whole entire world.

Loving what I do hasn't always been easy.

I was in elementary school when I started working with kids who have disabilities. At the ripe age of 5, I figured out what I was going to do for the rest of my life. All of the kids in my class knew that working in the special education rooms was my thing. Playing at recess with my best friend Jordan, who happens to have autism, was my thing. They knew no different. I never got any weird looks, or mean words said to me. No, that didn't start until later.

Fast forward to freshman year of high school. At my high school, we had modular scheduling. In the mods that I did not have class, I got the opportunity to volunteer as an aid. I fell in love with my passion one hundred times more during those 40 minute mods. Those kids in the classrooms I worked with changed my entire life, and they have no idea.

I loved being in the special education rooms, and didn't hide that love from anyone. Unfortunately, some kids saw me as the perfect target. High school is hard already, but I had to deal with one group of people constantly making fun of me, telling me that I had no friends, telling me that I belong in the special education classroom, yelling the r-word across the hallways, knowing that they would get a rise out of me. This went on for all four years, and as the years passed by, I got stronger. I could not care less about what any of these people said to me. I was, and still am, so passionate about what I do, that I would never and will never let anyone tear me down for doing what makes my heart happy.

I am not writing this to get attention from my mini "sob story". I am writing this because some people get bullied every single day for doing what they are passionate about, and allow their fire inside of them to get blown out by these bullies.

To the people who feel like they are less than someone else because of cruel, hurtful words: you are so much more. Let me repeat that: you are so much more. Never feel like anything that you ever choose to do is wrong, or weird, just because someone else doesn't understand it. Pursue your dreams.  Let them consume you. Be so passionate about something that it becomesBe the change. 

If I let those people get to me, if I let them destroy me, I would not be who I am today. All those kids did was teach me to always, ALWAYS, choose kind. Every single day you are given the choice to be kind. In every situation you are put in throughout your entire life, you will have the opportunity to make a choice. I have learned that the right choice, is always, to be kind. Kind to family, kind to friends, kind to strangers, kind to yourself. Your life will be so much happier if you are constantly choosing kindness.

To the group of people who constantly made the conscious choice of cruelty, I hope you find this. I hope you read it and think about your future. I don't want you to think of the past, for I have forgiven you all a long, long time ago. I just hope that this makes you think of the future. I hope you make a better choice.