For my product, I made a documentary! In this documentary I interviewed three families who all have a child that has Down Syndrome. I really wanted this documentary to show how people who have Down syndrome are more alike than different. In the end, I thought that my product ended up being really educational while at the same time entertaining and motivational. I am very proud of it!
So in order to pass Senior project I had to give a 12 minute speech about the whole process. I gave the speech this morning! I was super nervous but after it was over I was EXTREMELY relieved. One step closer to graduating! So crazy.
HUGE thanks to Casie Schlueter for helping me out immensely throughout this whole process. I couldn't have done this without your guidance. I also want to thank you for coming to my presentation today and supporting me! It meant the world to me.
The video attached is my final product of my Senior project documentary, so check it out if you have not already!